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Contacts: Email Group • Jae Sung Park (Advisor) • Karen Stelling (Advisor)
Organization: UNL Student Chapter
Contacts: Email AIChE • Hossein Noureddini (Advisor)

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Contacts: Lincoln e-mail • Omaha e-mail • Joshua Steelman (Lincoln) • Chungwook Sim (Omaha)
Students are encouraged to join this professional society as freshmen. Through regular monthly meetings and community projects, students learn more about the field of civil engineering, meet other CIVE students and become involved in the community. Students are also encouraged to participate in the Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge Competitions held at regional and national competitions each year. These competitions allow students to apply engineering concepts learned in the classroom to real-life activities.
Find the Lincoln section on Facebook at and the Omaha section on Twitter at

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) exposes students to the sciences of heating, ventilation, refrigerating, air-conditioning and related human factors. The group schedules tours, speakers, mentoring opportunities with the local Nebraska ASHRAE Chapter and a trip to the national ASHRAE conference regularly.
If interested in joining the ASHRAE student group please email

As members of this professional society, students are given the opportunity to stay informed regarding recent developments in the field of mechanical engineering through publications, field trips and meetings. Fellowship is also enhanced through interaction with other student sections as well as professional sectors of the society.

American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation (AWWA/WEF)
Contacts: Bruce Dvorak (Lincoln • George Hunt (Omaha)
Organization: AWWA • WEF
Undergraduate and graduate students interested in the environmental engineering field are encouraged to participate. The student chapter hosts regular meeting, field trips, and social events during the academic year.

Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI)
Contact: Clarence Waters
Organization: Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI)
Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) promotes knowledge regarding the profession of architectural engineering by study, research, and discussion of the AE field with speakers, tours, and trips to the national AEI conference. AEI also encourages the interaction of students to share their education and experiences within the AE field and provides valuable communication between students and professions in the field.

Architectural Engineering Student Leadership and Advisory Committee (AESLAC)
The Architectural Engineering Student Leadership and Advisory Committee’s purpose is to oversee the Architectural Engineering Program, student activities, and other concerns of its students. In addition, the committee represents architectural engineering students to the faculty, to the program director, and to the citizens of Nebraska. We strive for the betterment of the Architectural Engineering program, both through academic excellence and the creation of an enriched cocurricular environment.
Please reach out to or visit our Presence page for more information.

ASABE Robotic Club
Robotic Club is a student organization that focuses on robotic design. Throughout the year, we conduct robotic design workshops as well as work on robotic projects. Students will be involved in mechanical and electrical design and also embedded system programming. We participate in the annual ASABE student robotic challenge, and build our competition robots during spring and summer.
Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
Contact: Matt Barrows (Lincoln)
Organization: Nebraska Chapter
Please email President Wyatt Cassidy with interest.

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
Contacts: Email BMES • Nicole Iverson (Advisor) • Rebecca Wachs (Advisor)
Organization: UNL Chapter

BSE Graduate Student Association
The Biological Systems Engineering Graduate Student Association promotes the professional development, creates a positive social environment, and supports the needs of the students in Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering, particularly as these interests relate to their academic and professional advancement.
Chi Epsilon
Contacts: Jiong Hu (Omaha) • Richard Wood (Lincoln)
Our Mission:
By recognizing outstanding students and graduates for their scholarship, character, practicality and sociability, Chi Epsilon seeks to foster excellence, connectivity and engagement among those in the civil engineering community to improve our world.”

CIVE Graduate Students Association (CIVE GSA) is a student-run and student-elected organization that exercises the student governance of affairs and collaborations, solely involving graduate students at the Civil Engineering Department of UNL.
Most notably, CIVE GSA is a space that takes action around issues that graduate students are concerned about and aims to promote student advocacy on a departmental level. Involvement in CIVE GSA is a great way to gain leadership experience and to learn about the administration.

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
The objective of the chapter is to encourage and inform the students in reducing earthquake risk by advancing the science and practice of earthquake engineering by improving understanding of the impact of earthquakes on the physical, social, economic, political and cultural environment, and by advocating comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes.

Contacts: Jeff Beavers (Advisor) • Rachel Gar-El (Advisor) • Email the Ambassadors
The mission of Nebraska’s Engineering Ambassadors Network is to redefine the conventional ideas surrounding science, technology, engineering, and math. Through engaging presentations and hands-on activities, we challenge K-12 youth (particularly underrepresented groups) to dream of a better world and to embrace roles as agents of change.

Contacts: Main EWB Website • Group e-mail • Shannon Bartelt-Hunt (Lincoln) • Elizabeth Jones (Omaha)
Organization: National Organization
The University of Nebraska student chapter of EWB-USA is a student-run organization with members from both the college's Lincoln and Omaha campuses and strong support of engineering firms and UNL and UNO alums. Our student chapter works in Madagascar in partnership with the Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership, an offshoot of the Henry Doorly Zoo's conservation work in Madagascar. Our projects in Madagascar are focused on solar energy solutions, and improved water quality and quantity. Our project in Zambia is to design a bridge to cross a dangerous river to connect communities to health care and educational services on the other side. We also work with community organizations in both Lincoln and Omaha on various community service projects.
We would love to have you join one of our three teams! Email or for information on specific team meetings and how to get involved.

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
Students are invited to join this national honor society if they are in the top one quarter of their class as juniors or top one third as seniors. Electrical components are purchased by the organization and assembled into kits by members for resale to undergraduate electrical engineering students for use in the required laboratories. Regular meetings are held and special tutoring sessions are arranged for students enrolled in beginning or intermediate level electrical engineering courses.

Husker Motorsports challenges students to design and build a formula-style racing car from the ground up. Our car will compete with more than 250 universities internationally. Our goal is to build a race car that will be competitive with veteran universities.

E-mail the team to be added to the mailing list. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm in Nebraska Hall W213b.

Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNU)
This student chapter of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America believes in enrichment of the aspiring lighting designer beyond the scope of the classroom. The goals of IESNU include promoting responsible and quality lighting design, developing a network of support and educational resources to students interested in lighting, and participating in regional and national events. Hosting events such as professional web seminars and software workshops, IESNU has big plans for the future.

Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Bridge the gap between your academic and professional career...join the Institute of Transportation Engineers! ITE Student Chapter gives you the opportunity to...become involved in high profile transportation issues in the Midwest, interact with professionals responsible for finding solutions to the increasing demand on our transportation infrastructure, discover an interest in a challenging and dynamic career, and spend time with your friends and future colleagues. This is a professional society for civil engineers who are planning to specialize in transportation engineering. Regular monthly meetings are held.

Contacts: Andrew Harms • Omaha e-mail

Latinos in STEM
Promote, cultivate, and honor excellence in education and leadership among Latino engineers and scientists.
- Increase the number of Latino students in STEM programs by developing a working network with area schools and youth organizations.
- Promote professional advancements for Latino engineers and scientists by fostering cooperation among industry, government, and the academic and professional communities to improve educational and employment opportunities.
- Provide a forum for the exchange of information pertinent for Latino engineering/science students.
- Improve the retention of Latino students enrolled in the UNL College of Engineering (Omaha Campus).
- Improve our local community through service and outreach.
- Provide financial assistance to members who wish to participate in regional and national MAES and/or SHPE events.

Mechanical Contractors Association of Omaha
Contacts: Alexis Brown • Organization e-mail
Organization: MCA Omaha
This student organization, which is the first of its kind in the United States, was developed during the fall semester of 1997. It receives support from three parent professional societies: The American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA); and National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). Students participate in field trips, national conferences and innovative projects. The students developed the first HVAC working laboratory in the nation. Other universities have since used our ideal to develop their own laboratories.
Membership is open to students from any major.
Mechanized Systems Management Club
National Association of Home Builders Student Chapter (NAHB)
To provide students in building related fields such as construction management, engineering and architecture, and real estate an opportunity to learn more about residential building through membership in the industry's largest trade association.

National Society of Black Engineers (City Campus)
Contacts: Group e-mail • Tony Roebuck (Advisor)
Please connect with us by following us on Presence and feel free to email us if you have any questions!

National Society of Black Engineers (Scott Campus)
Contacts: Group e-mail • Derrick Nero (Advisor)
President: AJ Barfield
Vice President: Tony Montegut
Secretary: Mercedes Phillips
Treasurer: Arsene Kasusa
Senator: Ovie Omadevuae

Nebraska Blueprint
This magazine is published twice per year. Articles, written by students, highlight special events, activities or student achievements that occurred during the semester.
The UNL Operating Systems & Open-Source Group (OS2G) is a club for users of Linux and other Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) to meet, socialize, and learn from one another. We also host events to introduce new members to the world of FOSS and enhance their computer literacy. We cover a wide range of topics including server administration, data science, cybersecurity, computer hardware, and programming languages.

oSTEM @ Nebraska (Out in STEM)
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) is a national Society dedicated to educating and fostering leadership for LGBTQA+ communities in the STEM fields. Starting in 2005, oSTEM has been built by students, for students. Here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, we started our own chapter in 2014, but did not become a Recognized Student Organization until January 2017.
We hold our meetings on the first and third Mondays of the month at 5:00pm. The location varies, so visit our Facebook page for updates: Anyone who wants to work toward expanding diversity within the STEM fields is welcome! oSTEM is not limited to the LGBTQA+ community; allies are welcome too!
Join oSTEM @ Nebraska on Facebook:

Pi Tau Sigma
Presently, there are 129 active chapters of this honorary fraternity at universities in almost every state of the United States. The UNL Chapter is also a member of the Association of College Honor Societies. Some of the objectives of this fraternity are to foster high ideals in the engineering profession, to stimulate and support departmental activities, to promote professional welfare and to develop leadership and citizenship.

Sigma Lambda Chi
Contacts: Kelli Kopocis • Terry Stentz
Sigma Lambda Chi
International Honor Society for Construction
Omicron Chapter
113 Nebraska Hall
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0500
Ella Falk – Chapter President 2023-2025
Dr. Kelli Kopocis – Faculty Co-advisor Email:
Dr. Terry Stentz – Faculty Co-advisor Email:
This is an international honorary society for outstanding students graduating from construction programs at over 60 universities in the United States. The UNL Chapter was one of the first five established in the late 1960s and has been active in promoting the local academic program and providing tutorial assistance to students in need of academic assistance.

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
The purpose of the student chapter of SAME, Society of American Military Engineers, is to provide students with a practical idea of current engineering projects. Normally we have speakers from the Corp of Engineers talk about their different projects. You don’t have to be in the military and there is no fee to join. There is a professional meeting once a month that a handful of students are selected to go, free of charge. This is an excellent way to network and meet possible employers. The SAME student chapter is a group of engineering students getting together and learning first-hand about projects in the professional world.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Our chapter focuses in engineering and science undergraduate and graduate students, however, SHPE is open to everybody who feels identified with our purpose.
Our purpose is to promote the advancement of Hispanic and Latino engineers and scientists in employment and education, develop and participate in programs with industry and the university, and provide a forum for the exchange of information pertinent for Hispanic and Latino engineering and science students enrolled at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Students benefit from:
- Conference registrations
- Life-long networking opportunities
- Consideration of SHPE Scholarships
- Opportunities to present technical papers, posters, and participate in other competitions
- Access to internships and scholarships
- Career and professional development; leadership training

Contacts: Christine Wittich (Lincoln) • Michelle Eble-Hankins (Omaha) • Omaha e-mail
The purpose of this international, professional society is to inform young women, their parents, school counselors and the public of the opportunities available to women in engineering. A major function of the organization is to facilitate contact between students and women engineers and to give women in the college an opportunity to meet and interact with their peers and professional engineers.

The UNL Soil and Water Resources Club was organized to bring together students with an interest in soil and water resources and offer opportunities not normally found in the conventional classroom. The goal is to stimulate the interest of graduate and undergraduate students in soil and water resources and promote the art and science of good land and water use.
Structural Engineering Student Association (SESA)

Contacts: Joshua Steelman • Email TBP
Organization: • Chapter Web Site
Tau Beta Pi is an honor society that encourages academic excellence and professional integrity across the engineering profession. We organize and participate in engineering-related and service events each year at UNL, UNO, and their communities. Alumni chapters and members offer networking opportunities and professional resources beyond graduation. If you'd like to know more, reach out to!

UNL Maker Club
To build a culture of student-initiated innovation on campus, we establish environments for students and community members to collaborate on projects through our advocacy and allocation of physical resources, our educational outreach and instruction, and our facilitation of community-wide presentations, forums, and discussion sessions.
We are inclusive to all engineering disciplines, including but not limited to agricultural, biological system, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering as well as computer science. It requires people from different fields and expertise to build a fully functional robot. All experience levels are welcome!
UNL Theme Park Design Group
Contacts: Dan Novy (Advisor) • B Littman (President) • Karson Swartzbaugh (Treasurer) • Gracie Kerr